Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First Doctor's Appointment

Yesterday, Malakai had his first doctor's appointment. Everything went well, except his weight. Much to our dismay he had lost more weight. He was down 8% from his birth weight. At this point, he should be starting to gain weight because he is suppose to be back to his birth weight by Monday. So our doctor sent us back to the hospital to meet with the lactation nurse today. They weighed him, he ate, and then they weighed him again. To see exactly how much he was eating. He is suppose to be eating anywhere from 3 to 4 ounces per feeding. Currently he is only eating 2 ounces per feeding. Which would explain his continual weight lose. So now we have to supplement each feeding with 1 to 2 ounces of formula, to make sure that he will start gaining weight. I also have to feed him every 2 1/2 hours until he is back up to his birth weight. This is very exhausting! Thankfully, I also have to pump for 10 minutes after every feeding. This is to get my milk supply up, in hopes of making enough milk and being able to stop supplementing. With the milk that I pump, Eric can take a feeding when he gets home from work and this will allow me to get a nice chunk of sleep. This is my favorite picture of the two of them.

Speaking of Eric. I am so lucky to have such a great husband. He is willing to step in and help me out with anything. He hasn't complained once about not getting enough sleep or having to get up to do something for me. He even took my crazy task of grocery shopping on a Saturday, in the middle of the afternoon. Anyone who knows how I grocery shop, you know it is a crazy time. I usually use anywhere from 20 to 30 coupons and I am very organized about it. Eric absolutely hates using all the coupons. He has been cooking for me and cleaning the house. Oh I really am so blessed to have him!

Here are some random pictures that we didn't post yet.
This is Monday before we went to the doctor's office. Little did we know this would be the last belly pic...ever!!

First time great grandparents. They are so proud! Ask the customers at the restaurant!!
Well, time to go feed Malakai. Have a great day and God Bless!


Anonymous said...

Malakai is just a beautiful little baby boy!! I can see in the one picture that he looks like both of you! As for Eric being the mature, responsible Daddy that you said he is and helping out without complaining; good for him! That is what parenting is all about! Sacrifice. Malakai is very lucky to have you both for parents!! Treasure this time and his childhood because (and I know you've heard this before but it's so true, you'll see one day) they grow up so fast!!

Love, Aunt Gale

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you two. I hope things turn out to be more wondeful than you ever imagined!