Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend

What a weekend! We were very busy. It did take it's toll on Malakai. Friday started our crazyness. Saturday, he was just so crabby. Sunday, he was a little better. Today, he is much better. It is nuts what getting out of the schedule for a couple days will do. We had Grandpa Jim and Grandma Barbi, Aunt Gale and Uncle Fred come into town this weekend. They had never "met" Malakai before, so it was important that we try to be there for most of the weekend. I have tons of pictures and a video!
This picture isn't from this weekend, but it is just to funny. Malakai wanted to watch TV while he was in his Pack 'n Play...this is what we get!

He is getting so big! This past week he started holding his own bottle. It was just an overnight thing.
Malakai really likes his Pack 'n Play. Milo and he play through the mesh. This is Milo trying to figure out how to get in! They are just so cute together!
This was my attempt (which failed) to set up Malakai's play mat. It didn't work out like I had planned.Malakai went on his first bike ride! He really didn't enjoy the few seconds that he was on it (this was on Saturday), but it did make for a super cute picture.

On Sunday, Malakai got to spend some special time with Great Grandma Barbi! He didn't cry when she held him, which was pretty amazing!
Here we have 4 generations. Grandma Barbi is holding Malakai, Eric's dad is on the left and Eric is on the right. Eric really didn't want his picture taken!
Grandpa and Grandma are holding both of the great grandkids.
Nana Jodi also got to spend time with both of the grandbabies this weekend. Here they are showing off the quilt. They are so much fun!

Since Malaki is getting to be a little bit of a chunker, we thought it would be easier to bring his cart cover to the store on Sunday. It was so nice not to have to either carry him or lug his carseat inside. He really seemed to enjoy this as well. By the end of the trip he was sleeping, I should have taken a picture of that. It was hilarious!For the past week, Malakai has really started to use his vocal coards more. Tonight I got a great video of him saying "Dada". Yes...he didn't say Mama first :( I was warned that this might happen, I was hoping and praying he would have formed his lips right and it would sound like Mama, but it didn't. It is super cute and I'm sure before I know it he will be saying Mama.

Since we had such a busy weekend, we (really just me) decided to take today off and relax and focus on getting back into the schedule. I think it worked well!
Have a great day and God Bless!

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